Learn how to process and analyze data to effectively extract, present, and interpret information from modern biomedical research and practices, and to translate the new knowledge to improve health outcomes and public health.

Learning objectives
  • Be proficient in biostatistical concepts and foundations, including exploratory data analysis, regression and classification, predictive modeling, and data mining.
  • Master key data management and computing skills, including data structure and wrangling, algorithms and programming, and graphical presentation.
  • Connect data analytics to knowledge and expertise of specialized fields such as clinical trials, observation studies, omics research, and health services.

Students applying for the Certificate in Biostatistics and Data Science must have strong quantitative skills and basic computer programming skills. Applicants must have an undergraduate or higher degree from an accredited institution in mathematics, statistics, informatics, biomedical engineering, or other closely related areas, as well as some research experience. All prospective students must provide evidence of basic skills in computer programming through coursework or documented experience. Typically, we expect all applicants to have taken the following courses or their equivalents. If you have any questions about whether a course will meet our prerequisites, please inquire at I2DB-Education@wustl.edu.

R for Data Science*
Ethics in Biostatistics*
Calculus I
Calculus II
Introduction to Statistics

*Students lacking these prerequisite courses can enroll in them. Additional tuition/credit hours will apply.


The Certificate in Biostatistics and Data Science require 6 courses (18 credit hours) and begins in the summer semester.

Core Courses (course descriptions»)

SemesterCourseCredit Hours
Fall YR1Biostatistics I (1st half of Semester)3
Biostatistics II (2nd half of Semester)3
Introduction to Bioinformatics3
Biomedical Informatics I: Foundations3
Spring YR1Biomedical Informatics II: Methods3
Biomedical Data Mining3


The BDS application opens on September 1, 2022 and closes on January 31, 2023. Applicants are strongly encouraged to apply early. For questions related to the Certificate in Biostatistics and Data Science or the application process, please contact:

Special Programs Administrator

BDS Certificate Application »