Faster research, more cures, healthier communities

The fields of healthcare and life sciences are experiencing a fundamental shift toward transdisciplinary, integrative and data-intensive approaches to research. These developments, coupled with the use of information technology platforms, are helping transform healthcare, achieving greater value alongside improved outcomes and safety.

The complex data, information and knowledge needs associated with these changes requires a comprehensive approach to biomedical informatics, data science and biostatistics research, education and practice.

Programs & Services

Education Programs

Learn to harness big data to solve complex problems for the next generation ​of data-intensive healthcare and life science research.​

Consultation & Services

Whatever your data or information needs, our staff of data and information experts are happy to help, often free of charge.

Connect with I2DB

Get Involved

The institute provides for a crosscutting community of practice that enhances and extends the academic and operational strengths of WashU and leverages the unique living laboratory afforded by the WashU, BJC HealthCare, and the Cortex Innovation Community.

See how you can get involved with the institute at an event and online.

Explore Collaboration

Use the School of Medicine’s Research Profiles to learn about research at I2DB as well as individual faculty members – including publications, topical fingerprints, and maps of our worldwide co-author networks.

Listen to our Podcast

Hosted by WashU Medicine’s Dr. Philip Payne, Gateway to Informatics features leaders in informatics, research, and healthcare, exploring AI integration and innovation to empower, inspire, and build a community of practice within healthcare.

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