
Neurology, I2DB announce joint faculty hire

The Department of Neurology and the Institute for Informatics, Data Science and Biostatistics (I2DB) are pleased to welcome a new joint faculty member, Laura Wiley, PhD, FAMIA, who is serving as an associate professor as of Jan. 1. She will also serve as the Director of Clinical Data Science in the Office of the Chief Research Information Officer under I2DB.

Dr. Wiley develops methods for using data from electronic health records for clinical evidence generation and precision medicine. She is an expert in computational phenotyping and has developed large EHR-research repositories to study intracranial aneurysms and diabetes. Dr. Wiley also has experience in clinical informatics implementation serving as the lead informatician on an NIH Cancer Moonshot-funded project to create a comprehensive tobacco cessation service at the University of Colorado Cancer Center. She was previously an associate professor in the Department of Biomedical Informatics, and Chief Data Scientistic of Health Data Compass at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. 

Dr. Wiley is actively involved in the informatics community having served on the editorial board of the Journal of Biomedical Informatics, chairing the 2022 American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Informatics Summit, and vice chairing several other conferences. She has also served as chair of the AMIA Working Group Steering Committee and ex officio member of the AMIA Board of Directors. Finally, she is a passionate educator leading several courses on using EHR data for research, including the Coursera Clinical Data Science Specialization – a series of six MOOCs which have been taken by over 43,000 students across the globe. 

Please join us in welcoming Dr. Wiley to WashU Medicine!